How to save money by insulating your building

Did you know an uninsulated building loses almost a third of its heat through its walls and roof? That’s not ideal when the cost of heating your building or home continues to rise in line with inflated energy prices.
How can I keep my building warm and trim my energy bills?
Building insulation is straightforward and cost effective and allows you to heat your building or home whilst benefiting from reduced energy bills. Insulating your windows, walls, loft and roof will ensure your building or home is warmer, more energy efficient and you’ll see substantial energy savings.
Wall insulation
Insulation is available for cavity, solid and external walls. The age of your property and wall type will dictate which option is the best solution for cutting your heating costs.
Cavity wall insulation is recommended for buildings built after 1920 that typically feature two layers of brick. The insulation fills the gap between the bricks to keep heat in and significantly reduce heat loss. In fact, you could save up to £275 a year by insulating your cavity walls (source).
Solid wall insulation is the best option for buildings with one solid wall. These types of walls are prone to losing twice as much heat as cavity walls. Mineral wool fibre is used to fill the gap created by either internal or external insulation boards.
External wall insulation focuses solely on exterior walls and uses a layer of insulation material. This is covered by rendering or cladding and may require planning permission. And the good news is you could save up to £455 a year with solid wall insulation (source).
Loft and roof insulation
Loft and roof insulation is an effective way of preventing the heat from escaping from your property. It’s simple to install and provides immediate results, which means your building or home is instantly warmer and you’ll enjoy reduced heating costs. You could save up to £240 a year with loft and roof insulation (source).
Double glazing
Double glazing is a really effective way to make your property more energy efficient. By replacing single glazed windows with double glazed options you will reduce cold spots and drafts and retain the heat. This ensures your building is warmer and your heating bills are significantly reduced.
If you’d like to enjoy a warmer home this winter whilst saving money, get in touch to discuss the best ways to insulate your property.